“You are pathetic.”
“You are pathetic.”
Everyone that has the pleasure of enduring my crazy moments knows that I soooo despise being late.
My heart is hurting this week
Over a year has passed since I wrote Adelyne’s birth story: “Birthing God’s Promises”.
Well, my hair is finally starting to grow back.
"You're just an overachiever"...
I was sitting in my car one day at lunch when I heard clear as day: “stop being afraid”
A year seems pretty lengthy if you number each day on a calendar.
So today is Valentine's Day...
At this point on New Year’s Eve, I am usually trying to figure out what my New Year's resolution is going to be
I wish that I could say that the last four years have been complete marital bliss.
I remember proclaiming as a young child, and most of my teen years, that I would never ever go through a divorce.
This Thanksgiving was a special one for my family.
So, I have been thinking about this for some time and decided to just throw it out there.
Since our sweet Adelyne is over 6 months old now, it is probably time that I finally write her birth story!
Looking at my resume on marriage, I am probably the least qualified to speak on the matter or offer suitable advice.
This week has been like no other that I have ever experienced and I keep trying to figure out what is different.
I try to be relevant to people and authentic the best that I can. How do you do that, though, when you are walking through an extremely difficult season in your life?
It is so easy to thank God when He blesses you or when something great happens in your life.
Hello world!