A New Season

A New Season

I try to be relevant to people and authentic the best that I can.  How do you do that, though, when you are walking through an extremely difficult season in your life?  I am the first to roll my eyes when someone starts blasting their significant other or children on social media; so this is definitely not the type of authenticity I am talking about.  I mean the kind that can look at people that love you in the eye and say: "I am not okay - and I need a friend."

No one loves the smell of pumpkin spice or the drop in temperature more than me.  Everything about Autumn gets me excited and motivated to start something new.  I have noticed, however, that this is usually when trials and unexpected challenges hit.  Is it the stress of upcoming holidays with in-laws and shopping for just the right gift?  Is it because the school year has truly gotten underway and the small stresses seem to have magnified?  Is it the devil?  Ha!  I like that one the most because it takes all responsibility off of my actions and facial expressions!  No, I think it is the fact that we are all created to accomplish something bigger than ourselves.  With each season, I find that I have a new idea.  Or I want to implement something new into our home or into one of our businesses.  This is wonderful, unless you do not have direction or time to be alone with Jesus and ask Him how to accomplish it.

I have about seven ideas, some old, some brand new, that I told myself I was going to work on this past weekend.  Any time you commit to something that is God-breathed, though, please be prepared for the enemy to distract you.  That is easy when you have a family, spouse, children, job, chores, or errands to handle.  I think most people have something on that list, so I am not a special case.  If it seems like too much, just take a minute in your car or in the shower, and ask the Lord to direct your steps.  I would much rather walk out the way He would go about my day than the way I would! 

I had a horrible - I mean HORRIBLE - weekend and accomplished nothing that I set out to do on Friday.  After I chose to be authentic and tell a sweet friend that I was not doing okay, she reminded me that I needed to take some time to be alone with Jesus.  She didn't say to squeeze in an extra church service or find another ministry to serve in.  She said what I tend to forget is most important: alone time with Jesus. 

This morning, when my 5 month old napped...which is rare...I asked God to please speak to me.  I needed one word from Him and told Him that His servant was listening.  I usually get distracted with what is next on my list or how much laundry I should be working on.  This time, I just sat.  I almost fell asleep, when I saw it clear as day.  My next step was so simple and right in front of me...for 14 years and I just saw it!  God is no respecter of persons, and what He will do for this servant, He will do for you.  So take joy in this new season and the change in climate, because He is faithful!

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Staying Thankful in the Wilderness

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